So, I would of course have to come up with a band name. Although this sounds relatively easy, especially for a musician, coming up with band names is something i do struggle with. It's a weird one, because any name after a while, once you get use to it sounds okay , but it's still the thing that people may see first before listening to a track , and form a name, they can start to form an opinion, of the what the sound that follows will be, or the members are like in the band.
First ideas;-
I flicked through a dictionary , allowing my finger to drop onto random words..... 'Toaster' , hmmm perhaps " The toasters" , no that was crap. Most of the subsequent words, followed suit with equally disappointing names such as " The Fez's" , "Treehouse".... "revision" ! Not a lot of gems there really, so the dictionary idea didn't work entirely, but i thought concept was interesting.
Ideas continued;-
I was trying to keep in mind, the connotations of the name and how it would relate to my tracks genre, Folk. I started browsing the web, with no real direction just hoping something would jump out at me. Words such as "Cabanas" , "Caphs" , and " waves" jumped out at me. However the more i was looking, the more i began in my mind to associate the letter C with my track, until it only felt right to start off with the letter C. I again returned to my orginal idea of the dictionary, this time being around 95% more specific. I searched again, jotting down a couple of names in my media class on a piece a paper, one in particular came up ..... " The Courtiers". In the following lessons in that day i had history and during that class, that name came up as part of the history lesson, so i decided on that coincidental basis that i would stick with that name.
"The Courtiers"
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